Posts written by bandandit

view post Posted: 4/10/2023, 14:44 Lost Monkeys - Members Info
I know I'm 4 years late on this reply, but wdym? Did he die? Need context, Zeev, context!

Also, what are you doing these days geezer? We may be looking for members and you WERE already a trainee, I remember! :)
view post Posted: 4/11/2020, 01:45 Hello Guys - General Discussion
Hello Jay. This comes like 8 years late, but know. Let's party soon!
view post Posted: 4/11/2020, 01:44 DM - General Discussion
Wait, what are the options again? I can't remember.
view post Posted: 25/3/2018, 00:05 Lost Monkeys - Members Info
i may be forgotten, but i ain't gone fellas! hi!
view post Posted: 13/6/2011, 21:27 Cube 2 World - DM Challenges
Obviously new DM Challenges are no longer being created.

However we urge anyone who is up for a good Sauerbraten challenge to visit Cube2World, created by our own trick master Ace. Here you will find difficult and rewarding challenges to hone and improve your sauer skills! Challenges include a weekly mystery map challenge, monthly trick jump challenge and flag running races.

What are you waiting for, go check it out!
view post Posted: 4/6/2011, 21:55 open letter to all - General Discussion
ok x, i respect your opinion on the matter and appreciate what you are trying to accomplish even if i don't exactly approve of your method. nonetheless if your intentions are true to the cause you should seek out certain trusted members of the community who may be able to help you develop this concept further. as for this SWL anti-cheat client, i cant say that i know enough about or trust its development to stand behind it as a principle for your LOTC, but the idea is worth investigating.
view post Posted: 3/6/2011, 23:01 open letter to all - General Discussion
damn x... you were using autoshoot in your game against me and daft yesterday? see i suspected as much because for a noob clan i highly doubted that you would have been able to compete with us so equally. besides some of your shots were ridiculous. i, for one, have never used a cheat and i, like eXng, have been accused on numerous occasions of cheating because of our actual skill. skill that has taken me 3+ years to develop.

so yeah, this pisses me off too. not because others think that there are cheaters out there, because we all know that there are. with open source development, regardless of what anti-cheat client is developed, there will always be some way to exploit it. there's simply no way to get around it completely. what pisses me off is that there are people out there who do actually use cheats and because of that it makes everyone paranoid that because you're good, you must be cheating.

i'm not sure of the exact intent of your little "experiment" but i gather that by posting this as open letter to all clans, that you are implying that because we are recognized for our skills that we must be using cheats. if that's the case, piss off. cheating is lame and how could anybody want to use a cheat? i just don't understand. so while i deject your assumption I can tell you, however, that being a member of an experienced clan does have specific advantages that will help any nub with their game. Have you ever noticed how many settings there are to change and tweak just within the console itself that can help with performance? Try buying a gaming mouse. Turn mouse access off. Learn the maps like the back of your hand. Try playing 23000 games and maybe one day you'll actually be good. Playing with an experienced clan that can share information and practice together is quite advantageous. And like eXng said, stop playing on noob servers with a bunch of idiots that provide little to no challenge for improvement.

And as a word to all you people out there who do actually cheat, grow up. if it's all that important to you to do so than you really need to take a good look at who you really are and why you do it. I know it's just a game but my guess is that it reflects on who you are in real life and surely indicates where you're heading.

(oh, and by the way, remind me why you shouldn't be banned from every server for your little trick?)
view post Posted: 2/6/2011, 02:30 Cube 2: Sauerbraten Movie - swift - General Discussion
does anyone have any demos of us monkeys (or submitted by participants) fooling around on maps when we were doing any of our DM challenges??
view post Posted: 13/3/2011, 20:08 Cube 2 World - General Discussion
ace, this is awesome!
i'm happy that you're doing this.
view post Posted: 3/7/2010, 00:29 Forum Logo - General Discussion
nicely done ery! it's really badass!
view post Posted: 29/6/2010, 01:06 Forum Logo - General Discussion
sounds like a great idea.
when you have completed the new logo remember that it can also be used on the site.
i can change the color scheme to whatever fits best with the new logo.
i'm sure you'll come up with something way better than i did.
view post Posted: 10/2/2010, 04:22 DM Challenge #3 - Advanced Rifle Jumps - DM Challenges
nice Finn :) best advice, practice makes perfect.... and in my case, luck.
view post Posted: 5/2/2010, 04:46 DM Challenge #3 - Advanced Rifle Jumps - DM Challenges
To see the rules for this challenge please visit here






Edited by bandandit - 4/2/2010, 23:15
26 replies since 26/6/2009